The Real Value of the Bible

We want to share the reasons why we should always keep in mind the universal guidance of the Lord.

We celebrate the God´s Word trought the Bible. Due to the development of various groups promoting the word of our Heavenly Father, there is a group called "United Bible Societies" that has been doing incredible work for more than 200 years in different parts of the world. Their mission is to produce, translate and distribute the copies in various languages. To achieve this goal they have "correspondents" distributed in various cities, generating formats accessible to all types of audiences.

Since 1815 the Bible has been one of the most sold documents in the world (with more than 2.5 billion copies). Translations were made in more than 2100 different languages. Without a doubt it is a book that should be in the home of every family and person who wants to get closer to the Heavenly Father and who longs to receive the glory of Jesus. Do you have a printed Bible in your home? Do you read it in digital format?

In this month of celebration and with the purpose of motivating all the brothers and sisters to meet again with this beautiful text, we want to promote its diffusion and above all the daily reading. Spreading the word of God is part of our mission. He hopes that we will keep faith, the Holy Spirit and all the teachings that have been poured into the sacred texts present in our hearts. From the beginning, the transmission of the word was done by word of mouth, in family meetings and obviously when this new resource appeared in written format, its use was adapted in a massive way, proliferating in various parts of the world its impression.

Remembering what John says in the verse 5:39 “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,”, we are sustained as never before by the fact that Jesus continues to live in our hearts. He is present in each of the decisions and words that we have to emit to those around us. It will be our obligation to keep present and available in our daily life the word of our Heavenly Father. To enrich our thoughts and also to clear up the doubts that may arise on our way.

Has it been a long time since you read the word of the Lord? It doesn't matter, since we probably pray daily to stay close to our Father. But if we must reconnect with the writings. We will find many different meanings from the last time we do the pre-reading. No matter when or where, we were able to give a focus to some passage and today by re-reading it, we will resignify the meaning of the word. We can always exercise our faith and compare the path we took at some point in the past. Today we are given the opportunity to be reconciled with Jesus, to adapt our needs to the love and glory of the Lord.

Always carry a copy of the Bible with you. There are various sizes and formats. If you wish, you can even have a digital version on your cell phone or notebook. But always try to find a time of day to read a passage. At least one reading a day, when you travel to work, when you return home. Find that place of connection between you and the Lord. Then try to reflect on your daily reading and share it with your loved ones. You can find the value of this habit when the love of God and His son Jesus is shown in your heart in a natural way.

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